Washing and Waxing: Are They Really Necessary?
When most people think about washing and waxing their cars, they think in terms of the car's appearance. A clean car certainly looks better than a dirty car, and people view clear cars are nicer and more expensive than dirty cars. However, there are some additional benefits. Here are a few reasons why washing and waxing your car should be viewed as essential maintenance. Dirt as a Corrosive Agent Dirt generally seems inert; it doesn't burn or sting, and it seems to wash away easily. However, dirt is actually made of up many different chemicals, and some of these chemical can cause damage to your car. Over time, dirt can erode your paint and leave permanent marks on your car. Washing your car removes this dirt, and waxing it helps prevent its buildup and keeps you paint safe. Bugs are Acidic As bad as dirt can be, it pales in comparison to bugs. Squashed bugs are unavoidable during the warm months, and those who live by lovebugs will find their cars constantly [...]